If Mickoski hadn’t recklessly given in to his own arrogance in an attempt to appear intelligent, and then to top it off, acted like a player and maverick at the parliamentary session, then this column would have a different goal. However, Mickoski has revealed himself completely, for all the public to see, as he expressly tried to create a false narrative, in the style of déjà vu, with the goal of portraying the interparty fraction within VMRO-DPMNE as though it’s just about the relationship between he and I. The nerve of the professor-like academic presenting him with a considered and meaningful debate of interest to the country, only to have it portrayed as some “casual, unimportant conversation” about who said what to whom, when and why. This not only showcases the confines of his democratic capacity, but it also spotlights the limited academic, intellectual and interpersonal human capabilities of Mickoski. It’s clear we can’t even discuss his awful statesmanship and his governing ability. And that is so tragic, that I have to publicly say “I swear on my eyes, and then spit into his eyes”, and he can be as angry as he wants. He can even try pretentiously to find a justification for not wanting to meet with the interparty fraction for formulating strategic stances and policies inside our party VMRO-DPMNE.
However, the target of this column is not Mickoski. He creates his own target enough by himself and his own poltergeist and clientelism filled environment within our VMRO-DPMNE party.
But our country Macedonia, demands much more than obedience to the current president of the party. Macedonia is looking at everything. It is looking for what Mickoski publicly says he’s willing to do. He talks in the interest of the state. But when he is answered positively with the readiness for talks about state strategies, he runs away. Why? Because he publicly lied when he said that he was ready to talk with everyone about state strategies. There is no benefit from running away. Running away will cost us dearly, as a country, and it will also cost us dearly as a political party. That is why we, as an Intra-Party faction, will not discuss the various psychological traumas that must overcome Mickoski when it comes to talking to us as an intra-party-political group. Never mind that we are all MEMBERS of VMRO-DPMNE, who are consistent and concise in our policies and make them public, transparent in their presentation and defense, despite the constant marginalization within the party. Not only are these proposals brought by responsible persons with common-sense, who are deep-thinking people, but also offered from patriots who love their Macedonia homeland and are clearly motivated by the responsibility towards VMRO-DPMNE (which he is not). We will publicly present our proposals for the necessary strategic approaches of Macedonia. Of course, they will be offered in a professional manner, with measure and volume that will not be compromising or inappropriate, but only as suggestions. Special care will be taken with those proposals that refer to defense and security. At the same time, we are not afraid, and would expect, that Mickoski or his henchmen will take special care to later present them as their own. The ultimate goal is much greater than those behind the scenes, operating in the shadows. The ultimate goal is a Macedonia – as an orderly, developed and rich European state, functioning as a stable and reliable member of NATO at the strategic level.
Defense and Resilience Strategy
I know that there is activity to develop such a strategy at the moment, but that’s it.
I have to ask: “Why isn’t the academic community involved in its development”?
The defense strategy is not only an expert document, but also primarily a public document
and one at an academic level. Strategy is not a secret, because strategic determinations are primarily the goal of strategy and the goals in it are no secret. The secrets are the procedures that should lead to achieving the goals. The tasks that need to be accomplished in order to do so are no secret either. Achieving the goals, especially the primary one –is the main goal of defense strategy.
The main goal of each, including our Defense Strategy, is: “Protection and preservation of
population, at its biological minimum for survival.”
From this goal begins the planning of the strategic goals, which basically include two strongly related segments RESISTANCE and DEFENSE. These two segments are also key in NATO’s 2022 Defense Concept. Hence, the key question is posed through
which begins the preparation and creation of the Defense Strategy: “Does Macedonia have its own Defense Concept or at least a Defense Concept adapted to that of NATO and related to own conceptual claims”? I responsibly claim that Macedonia does not have its own functioning Defense Concept. The current defense concept, the National Security and Defense Concept of 2003 is outdated and non-functional document for modern conditions, nor does it plan for the defense and security environment and the risks and threats to Macedonia. At the strategic level in the field of defense there are several documents with strategic overtones: the 2020 Defense Strategy, National Strategy for Building Resilience and Dealing with Hybrid Threats from 2021, the 2020 Cyber Defense Strategy, the Gender Equality Strategy of 2022, National Strategy for Equality and Non-discrimination from 2022, Strategy for human resource management from 2019, Education and Training Strategy from 2006, and the Strategy for Attracting Quality Personnel from 2007. Considering that a strategy usually has a period of validity, the time
provided for the realization of the strategic goals in the short and medium term, which is a maximum of 5 years. Consequently, we can conclude that most of the stated strategies in the Defense Concept are either close or past their validity period. As they are incompatible with modern resources, threats or the updated needs of the Macedonian Defense foundations for creating the appropriate defense policies, especially within NATO.
The Defense Strategy, adopted in 2020 by Pendarovski and prepared by
the Ministry of Defense is not a voluminous document (about 18 pages) which is good for one strategy. However, when addressing defense interests or defense purposes, the document does not define the key or main goal of defense and thus the creation of future defense policies.
Recall that I mentioned that the key goal of any defense strategy is: “The protection of the biological minimum for survival of the population”. Only then can we talk about protecting territorial integrity and the defense of Macedonia’s independence.
There are specific reasons for this. Namely, the protection of the population which is actually the protection of sovereignty. According to the Constitution, the sovereignty of Macedonia derives from its own citizens. Secondly, without a minimum population for biological survival, there is no possibility of survival of the state in any aspect.
Thirdly , the survival of the population provides a basis for the construction of
defense capacities and capabilities where the main role is played by the human factor.
Regarding the protection of “human potential”, it is necessary to create a new and
comprehensive Resilience Strategy. Not in the context of hybrid or other threats, but rather as a strategy for the resilience of the population and the state with two clear key goals: 1. Determining and defining the risks and threats (all possible) on Macedonia and, 2. Identifying measures for building the resilience of the population, institutions and the state in all aspects. From this point, we would begin defining the Defense Strategy and the main goal and objectives which should be attained in the next five years in terms of defense.
This means that at this moment in Macedonia, in terms of the creation of its own defense and those defense policies within NATO, it is necessary and in the most expeditious way to prepare and adopt three key documents: 1. Defense Concept, or Defense Concept in accordance with the Defense Concept of NATO, within our constitutional provisions in the area of defense and the development of the theory of war according to the modern experiences of the acceptance of war as a social phenomenon within the framework of which armed struggle (army) is only one specific doctrine of warfare. The question about the doctrinal documents, including the doctrine of armed struggle and within those frameworks the use of the army in armed conflict and our role in NATO contingents are separate and an issue that also needs to be discussed. This is necessary because most of our defense and military experts do not understand our role as part of NATO combat forces and contingents. Consequently, there is understandable confusion that exists that not only prevents military thought in relation to doctrinal development, but also introduces a completely different and, we would say, problematic element in the public presentation of the role and needs of the Macedonian army as part of NATO. 2. Strategy for resistance, but not only in one area, but in relation to as many foreseen risks and threats to the security of the state and those that cover all aspects of society. Obviously, a defined risk does not mean that a new one will not arise or that
an unknown risk that might occur during a crisis would have to be managed and acted upon either preventively, or in concert with multi-institutional action.
Finally, 3. Defense strategy, which will clearly define the main goal of defense in Macedonian society, which will define the key defense interests and goals for Macedonia and how these will be achieved. Through the realization of which tasks and with which dynamics and in which period of time the set goals will be achieved will also enable the primary goal to be realized and that in continuity.
In this context, we will mention that the defense concept, the defense strategy and
resilience strategies depend to a large degree on risk and threat assessment and the extent
of endangerment. They are not connected exclusively and only with the armed forces, including our contribution to NATO (so let it increase from the current 2% of GNI) depends primarily on our investments in defense capacity building. Those facilities, in addition to being military and civilian, have other elements that cannot be discussed on this occasion. Primarily because we will need a very large space, but if those who are currently in charge of the institutions of the state and, especially the Government, are experts in the areas I expect them to know this. If there is still a dilemma, and they don’t know, again, the intra-party faction is here to help them understand, realize, and perform in the interest of Macedonia.
And this can be a good introduction to at least one strategic area, for which it is as for others to have the necessary knowledge, but also for public discussion. As for defense, I repeat, it does not mean that the defense strategy is secret, but that it is worth discussing. The fact that someone because of his daily – political agenda is not ready to discuss these areas, simply means that not only is he unreasonable, but that he is also stupid. The homeland is not put in danger just because it is with a certain group
in the party you may have different points of view with politically. There is no better way to deal with such views as with reasoned discussion and debate using informed argument and know-how presented in an open discussion. Where else is there a better place
that this should be done first than in the party, as a party policy, and then examined before
the expert and academic public, then turned into a strategic state document that could be accepted by all and finally carried out for the benefit and interests of Macedonia and its citizens.
Everything else is politics based on complete ignorance and manipulation. It is manguplak, expressed vanity, sneaking and concealing personal lucrative interests behind quasi patriotism and actually inflicting incalculable damage on the homeland and citizens.
Finally, at the very end, let me mention that the Defense and Resilience Strategies of Macedonia, as well as the Concept of Defense have a strong connection not only with our membership and obligations in NATO. In the context of the new geopolitical world, it must not be forgotten that Macedonia is a European country and must be part of the European Defense Concept of the European Security Space. It is a question related to our membership in the EU and the building of regional and geopolitical strategy of Macedonia, again based on risks and threats. That will be the subject discussed in the next column.
Oliver Andonov